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This function summarizes estimated spjctest objects. The tables in the output include basic information for each test. blablabla...


# S3 method for spjctest
summary(object, ...)



An spjctest object including a list of htest.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


An object of class summary.spjctest


Fernando Ló
Román Mí
Antonio Pá


## Multinomial + Binomial using a sf multipolygon
provinces_spain$Male2Female <- factor(provinces_spain$Male2Female > 100)
levels(provinces_spain$Male2Female) = c("men","woman")
provinces_spain$Older <- cut(provinces_spain$Older, breaks = c(-Inf,19,22.5,Inf))
levels(provinces_spain$Older) = c("low","middle","high")
f1 <- ~ Older + Male2Female
jc1 <- jc.test(formula = f1,
               data = provinces_spain,
               distr = "mc",
               alternative = "greater",
               zero.policy = TRUE)
#> although coordinates are longitude/latitude, st_intersects assumes that they are planar
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#> </style>
#>   <table class="gt_table">
#>   <thead class="gt_header">
#>     <tr>
#>       <th colspan="5" class="gt_heading gt_title gt_font_normal gt_bottom_border" style>JoinCount Spatial Tests (Monte Carlo)</th>
#>     </tr>
#>   </thead>
#>   <thead class="gt_col_headings">
#>     <tr>
#>       <th class="gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">pairs</th>
#>       <th class="gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_right" rowspan="1" colspan="1">pvalue</th>
#>       <th class="gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_right" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Joincount</th>
#>       <th class="gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_right" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Expected</th>
#>       <th class="gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_right" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Variance</th>
#>     </tr>
#>   </thead>
#>   <tbody class="gt_table_body">
#>     <tr class="gt_group_heading_row">
#>       <td colspan="5" class="gt_group_heading">Older - multinomial - alternative: greater - Monte-Carlo simulation of
#>         join-count statistic (nonfree sampling)</td>
#>     </tr>
#>     <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td class="gt_row gt_left">high:high</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">0.41800</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">14</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">13.93</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">10.46</td></tr>
#>     <tr><td class="gt_row gt_left">low:low</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">0.59100</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">7</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">8.18</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">6.04</td></tr>
#>     <tr><td class="gt_row gt_left">middle:middle</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">0.60500</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">13</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">13.79</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">10.13</td></tr>
#>     <tr><td class="gt_row gt_left">low:high</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">0.45300</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">24</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">23.05</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">16.25</td></tr>
#>     <tr><td class="gt_row gt_left">middle:high</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">0.65700</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">28</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">29.28</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">17.46</td></tr>
#>     <tr><td class="gt_row gt_left">middle:low</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">0.27400</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">25</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">22.77</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">15.42</td></tr>
#>     <tr><td class="gt_row gt_left">Jtot</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">0.37100</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">77</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">75.10</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">20.20</td></tr>
#>     <tr class="gt_group_heading_row">
#>       <td colspan="5" class="gt_group_heading">Male2Female - binomial - alternative: greater - Monte-Carlo simulation of join-count statistic</td>
#>     </tr>
#>     <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td class="gt_row gt_left">men-men</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">0.52400</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">60</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">60.37</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">23.62</td></tr>
#>     <tr><td class="gt_row gt_left">woman-woman</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">0.02900</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">13</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">7.16</td>
#> <td class="gt_row gt_right">6.66</td></tr>
#>   </tbody>
#> </table>
#> </div>